
Ayoub Hamad Abualrobe

Critical care Nurse, Sheikh Shakhbout Medical City, UAE.

Ayoub is a Clinical resource Nurse – Critical care areas – at: Sheikh Shakhbout Medical City (SSMC). Ayoub is a graduate of Muta’h University in Jordan 2007. Where he received BSc degree in Nurse Science. He also received his Master degree in Nursing from University of Wollongong Dubai 2023. Ayoub is a member in Neuro Critical Care Society, as well as, he is Life support course instructor, Trauma certified instructor and Advance Burn life support instructor. Ayoub has more than 16 y of ICU experience between, Jordan, Dubai (Rashid Hospital), Mafraq Hospital and SSMC. Since 2017 Ayoub is serving as Clinical Resource Nurse “Nurse Educator” for Critical Care Department and Rapid Response team at Mafraq and SSMC.